Donate to APBM

All Points Baptist Mission is a local church ministry operating completely by faith. This ministry does not require its Missionaries or its Chaplains to pay a fee, nor is there a percentage or a dollar amount taken out of the support sent through us. At APBM, we pass missionary support directly to the missionary without any mandatory deductions, with faith that the Lord will sustain this work. Nonetheless, it does take money to accomplish what is set before us, and we greatly appreciate every donation received for the ministries of All Points Baptist Mission.

While the Great Commission is given primarily to the local church, it is also binding upon each Christian to reach the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. That being said, not every church is able, whether physically or monetarily, to properly be a sending agency for their own missionary, so we stand ready to assist churches in this endeavor.

Would you consider coming along side of us, as we partner with local churches to fill this great need?

Online Donations

For your convenience, we now also have the opportunity to receive Online Donations!

If you would like to electronically donate to an All Points missionary, or assist a specific APBM ministry, please feel free to do so via the link provided below. Specific fund designations must be only for Funds approved by APBM leadership. Please follow the link below to our secure giving site. Please keep in mind that Anedot will charge a small percentage for each donation they handle (see terms below). If you desire to do so, you may choose to cover the fee in addition to your donation.

3% + $0.30 per transaction via PayPal or Credit Card
0.3% + $0.30 per ACH Bank Draft (Withdrawal)

If you would like to keep record of your giving with Anedot, you may also create a “DonorID” with A DonorID is not necessary for single donations, and each donation will receive an emailed receipt from Anedot.

Mailing Address

All Points Baptist Mission
P.O. Box 977
New Philadelphia, OH 44663-0977

Support may also still be sent directly to APBM. Checks and Online Bill Payments should be made payable to All Points Baptist Mission, with the names of those supported in the memo of the check, or the account field of a Bill Payment. An emailed receipt recognizing your gift to the ministry of All Points Baptist Mission will be sent to you if an email address is provided. Otherwise, a yearly statement is sent out after the close of the year. All gifts are tax-deductible.